Afterwards we took the metro to the Eiffel Tower and looked at it from a distance for a while then went looking for food.
Every café we saw was so expensive and I said that most likely we would have to get food from a grocery store but they wanted a place to sit down. We eventually found a decently priced Italian place. We went back to the Eiffel Tower when the sun went down and those merchant guys are trying to sell key chains and light up Eiffel Tower statues were everywhere. We went underneath it and that was cool. As we were walking away across the bridge towards the metro stop, the light show started at 7. It only lasted about 5 minutes, which isn't long enough in my opinion.
We went back to where we were earlier in the day and got crepes and sat for a while and enjoyed the view. And the merchants kept trying to get us to buy stuff. Nearby there was this girl who was just dancing for no reason. We thought it was pretty funny. She was really breaking it down. We ran into her in the metro station and she was dancing there too. Kinda weird but we say that she had an ipod on. Went back to the hostel and hung out a while. I chatted with a guy from Argentina. He didn’t speak hardly any French and didn’t speak English well, and I know no Spanish. But it was still interesting talking to him. When we left the hostel we took the metro to the Gare Montparnasse and then the TGV (Train À Grande Vitesse, or High Speed Train) to Poitiers. I was so pooped and was pretty much knocked out the whole 2-hour ride. I think I woke up at one point to find myself drooling on myself. In pubic. That was embarrassing. We arrived at about 12:45 and it wasn’t until we had all dispersed to go home that I realized that the night bus doesn’t run that late on Sundays. So I was forced to walk an hour back to where I was staying. Alone, in the dark. I’m SO thankful that I had ridden the bus enough times to know where I was going and I followed the bus stops.
more pictures here
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