We finally went to Notre Dame La Grande, the church that Poitiers is famous for.
It’s there that we ran into “Monsieur Un Dent” (Mr. One Tooth) again. Ugh. This time he was with all his little greasy smoker French guy friends who all thought we Americans were “belle” and was trying to get our cell phone numbers so we could “fêter plus tard” (party later). I told him I didn’t have a cell phone (which I do actually) and he ended up exchanging numbers with another girl in our group. I felt bad for her but she thought it was funny.
Walked more around the town and the streets.
We ran into the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, which is this HUGE cathedral that I took a ton of pictures of. It’s construction began in 1162 and it has the oldest choir stalls in France, which were carved between 1235 and 1257.
Very near by was L’église Sainte-Radegonde. It was founded by the Queen of the Franks, Radegonde, who died in Poitiers in 587. They began building it in the 11th century.

We kept walking and eventually came to the river. We were going to climb the hill which will give us a great view over the town, but decided to do that tomorrow. There were a lot of ducks in the river and it was funny to watch them. They thought we had food.
We stopped by a little place that sold bread and pâtisseries. I bought this braid-thing that was filled with raspberry. It was amazing. Then we came back to centre ville and decided to part ways until tonight where there was supposed to be a “cake party” outside of town. I went back to La Brioche Dorée and got a sandwich again, because it’s cheap and very tasty. Then I came back to my place and did some texting on my new French cell phone, which took a while because it doesn’t have a full keyboard and the screen is very little for a touch screen. At around 7:30 I went to Carrefour to by more galettes des rois and some cheap champagne for the party. I lugged it downtown where I met Emily and Lucie at 8. Turns out the rest of the girls couldn’t make it or something because of dinner with their host families. And we waited and waited for the bus that was supposed to take us outside of town to the dorm where the party was supposed to be, but it never came and it was getting late. So we decided to go get at drink at the “Fruity Club”, this café that’s decorated entirely of fruit, even the floors are clear with fake fruit underneath. They got some expensive drinks (like 8 or 9 euros) and I got a little tiny cup of hot spiced wine, like Kim (Luke’s mom) makes. It made me miss them ☹ Then I took the night bus back and got online to do some thorough blogging for the first time in ever. I’m gonna be tired tomorrow.
more pictures here
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